Thursday, January 20, 2011

As some of you may know, @AlexBrookerMI5 is in the hospital...and we wanted to do a little some thing to cheer him up and make him smile.  

Time to get those creative juices flowing and try your hand at a limerick or two....maybe a haiku? Don't be shy, just give it the ol' Edna try!


  1. Oi! Oi! Saveloy! I'm missing a sequin and I need my favorite boy! - Freddy

  2. My dancing partner is missing
    I'm stuck in the pits
    I miss my sweet Alex
    We were practicing the splits!!

    All my love, Ouch xxx

  3. Bonjour, ma Cherie
    I need your good cheer
    Please get well soon
    I miss you my dear!

    - ladyofglencairn xxx

  4. Freundschaft ist das Kostbarste im Leben das du einem anderen kannst geben,
    denn Freunde sind immer für dich da!

    Ich vermisse dich mein Schatz!
    Barbara Xxx

  5. Get well soon Alex. We miss your questioning smile. #seewhatididthere

  6. Preparing Julep drip with Maraschino Cherries for my dear and wonderful friend. Suck the tube when staff bot looking. Sip and think of me.
    Remember, there's always more where that came from.
    Love you Alex, you Faaaabuulous person.
    Sending you cherry flavoured kisses. Bx

  7. The Ambassador sends best wishes for a full recovery. Champagne is chilling, massage therapist on call. Did you get the flowers?

  8. Yes, good news. Get well @AlexBrookerMI5 !!! xxx


  9. Glad to hear...good news about @AlexBrookerMI5


  10. Denke an dich, jeden Tag. Bitte um Heilung für dich. Vermisse dich. Bin traurig und fühle deinen Schmerz. Liebe dich!


  11. Bonjour, ma Chéri! J'ai été très inquiet pour toi. S'il vous plaît prenez garde, vous reposer et revenez vite! Je vous aime!


  12. Sounds like UK hospitals (of which I've been in lots!) Please give Alex my best wishes, and advise to only eat your food ;)


  13. please give Alex my love and I hope she recovers soon :-)


  14. don't know him, but seems like a great guy - wish him all the best!


  15. Air goes in, air goes out, blood goes round and round... Just focus on those little things and let the doc sort out the rest! Miss you so much, sweet Alex!! Thinking of you!

    Love Ouch xxxx

  16. Dahlink Dahlink. I make you hospital gown that breathes Chanel, sparkles from Mars and wicks away nahsty fever germies! Now you heal. Yes? Yes. Next!

    Love Edna xxxxxx

  17. Dahlink Dahlink. Laugh good. Lose drip bad. I leave you magic tape, hold the spangly line. Next I bolus. Good? Good. Next!

    Love Edna xxxxxxx
